Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Broken Man (EDIT NEEDED)

the broken man lay on the corner oh woah is me
the broken man lay on the corner how can that be
the broken man once had a family long before he fell into insanity
the broken man had a family? you may ask how can this be?
the broken man was once a rich man who had most everything
he come to his home to hear his flawless wife sing
for she was a pianist and a siren and she was his everything
the rich man pampered his wife though she was of very simple taste
they were true lovers and whenever they weren't close they long for each others embrace

the woman longed for a child 
and the man simply smiled
and their eyes met and glistened

And late that june, in the man's wife's woom 
A life began its transition
The pregnancy was painful the wife fell ill
though she always kept a faint smile
the man tried to feign 
to do the same
till the day came 
where the child that was born would not bear a name
and the one who had carried the child would also be buried, just the same

the man made a confession 
begged the world this the question 
"WHY'd you take everything" and then soon aft he lost his possessions
the riches the wife the child his life
the broken man lay on the corner

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I wonder if I should have an introduction 
To this peice of writing so bold
So out there and sparatic in the way it unfolds

I guess I'll just begin
And allow it to end at it's end

I'm sorry I tend to allow my mind to frolic 
And go untamed
Well I guess I'll start this with my name

My name is Tyler or Tye for short
I often sit and contemplated why nicknames seem to distort.....

But that's a different story , that I may later write
But there is a different story I'll tell tonight

I was broken and needed a fix
This was a problem that I couldn't chew over with a twix

I was in a state of disarray
The world seemed to collaspe as I shouted may day

I was falling I was on a steady decline
Just praying that it would end with a flat line

I had been in this state of mind before
Owned the license plate and had a decal of the mind's flag on my car door

Oh by the way I like the use of a good metaphor

Oh but now you understand where I was at mentally but this isn't what I lead the world to see
They saw many different sides of me

They saw someone who was usually happy
They saw a singer and a saxphone player who could play on key

They saw a lover of the world
They saw the small boy with hair always curled

Then there were those who saw me in a frustrated state 
A storm that wanted to see the world shake!

And then there was me in tears 
crying about all the troubles that had destroyed my spirit .... My fears

I was a camotion of emotion
And this was my life , exact is this notion...

But then only a year ago when I was feeling down 
I was picked up and dusted off from ground 

I found it! I wasn't alone! 
And that I had someone to call my own

Someone whom was and is always there
Who always placed people in my life to care......

Someone who decided to take my story 
And change it from sad to glad or something of glory...

I imagine by now you may have guessed his name 
If you haven't I'll proudly proclaim "Jesus"

Whatever the problem He has the answer
Lol docters should pray to him for the cure to cancer

But really when all my strength was gone 
Jesus became my rock my cornerstone

He gave me a place where I could begin
And gave me the oppurtunity to become whole again

Ask anyone who knows me now Ill greet them witha giant goofysmile
I going to rock my goofiness long after it's gone at a style

And I'll praise my lord when life gives mr a trial.....

The fix is Jesus and you are never to far gone
So instead of being hopeless and flipping threw the tv channels like what else is on....

Call collect to Christ
Jesus phone is always on