Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Broken Man (EDIT NEEDED)

the broken man lay on the corner oh woah is me
the broken man lay on the corner how can that be
the broken man once had a family long before he fell into insanity
the broken man had a family? you may ask how can this be?
the broken man was once a rich man who had most everything
he come to his home to hear his flawless wife sing
for she was a pianist and a siren and she was his everything
the rich man pampered his wife though she was of very simple taste
they were true lovers and whenever they weren't close they long for each others embrace

the woman longed for a child 
and the man simply smiled
and their eyes met and glistened

And late that june, in the man's wife's woom 
A life began its transition
The pregnancy was painful the wife fell ill
though she always kept a faint smile
the man tried to feign 
to do the same
till the day came 
where the child that was born would not bear a name
and the one who had carried the child would also be buried, just the same

the man made a confession 
begged the world this the question 
"WHY'd you take everything" and then soon aft he lost his possessions
the riches the wife the child his life
the broken man lay on the corner


  1. Tyler,

    The words (Edit Needed) on this piece are a reminder that we, as writers, have an awareness of our texts. When we view the texts as readers, we become conscious of our strengths and areas of improvement. Unfortunately, our education systems tell students that teachers are the only authorities of texts and over time we silence our writer-reader voices. When I had you read your papers in class yesterday, I just wanted to draw out those voices and help you to realize that your voices do matter.


  2. That was a great poem it puts alot of things in perspective.
