Monday, September 26, 2011

You the shining star whom lit my sky
As darkness many a time surround me

You the one who guarded me so that I may grow soundly

You whom forever sat and put others before yourself
Before your needs your burdens above all else

Yet, it is now that you have passed on to a life bright and a new 

There is so much I wanted to say . I miss you and love you

You who held me when I could barely walk you
whom declared yourself my friend before I could talk

You now a lost treasure
Now left the world gone forever
You that I yearn to get back
A feeling of brokenness that makes feel like I might crack

You the one who told me to never quit
You who kindled flames leaving areas of darkness in my life well lit.

You whom helped me in my madness,sadness, gladness

But now you are gone.

Yes, But now you are gone and all I can do is forlorn 
For you to return to me
Once again light the dark sky that now torments me

Please return my heart now burn 
my eyes can barely see

Cause since you've been gone tears fall from my eyes leaving them as wet as the sea

Please please return please return I need you so much you see.

I now understand that all life must end but why does it have to send you away from me
I wanted to live with you in my life to look after me.

Me? Me? Me?

I can't seem to get off me. You who help who. Me. I feel selfish but selfish I will be

because I need you so please come back to me.

Come back for a second so I can just tell you what you mean to me. 
Or better yet come back so I can lean on you as you lean on me. So you can let me be exactly what you were ,no are, to me. 

Well I am torn now as a mourn and cope with the pain but but I remeber that a rainbow follows after the rain.

And this rainbow is when we meet up above hug and kiss high five and show each other love. And also now I have another angel watching me diligently. 
Still my protector I can feel you watching,you see. 

And I guess in the end ill be seeing you again as we greet happily. But I still i want you to know through rain sleet snow

I miss you
Please miss me

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Grace Of A Father

Look deeper my children. I want you to know that I'm with you forever. And it's through my grace and my grace alone you were saved. I have not forgotten you and will never leave you. I am forever your father forever with you, forever part of you, , and I will always love you.

The one above 
The one who'll love

The one who will guide you through the night
The one when lifes at an intersection will tell you to go right.

The one who even in your bad behavior
spreads his grace and mercy 
When you call for God, the Savior

Through the darkness and times you are weary
I am the only who shall not scurry
Even when you lose your place
My love endures forever as well as my grace.

The one who's there when no one will bother
King of King, Lord of Lords, Father

Worth It In The End

When I was young nothing ever seemed to far out of grasp I merely had to say I wanted "it", as I have matured i quickly opened my eyes to wanting things but no longer gifted with the power to overcome and elder with sparkling eyes I quickly learned how to earn" IT". But I soon found out in other pursuits it isn't as simple as wanting and working for "It". If you want it now you must pursue... it with your heart and take a gamble. Sure it may be scary but it's worth it in the end. -Anon

Monday, September 12, 2011


It's around eleven o clock as I'm trying to compute 
A reasonable topic for my mind to dispute
It's hard at times preparing your train of thought for the commute
Into true literature where every word stands firm and resolute
Anything that I envision 
Can then with one decision
Become the railway for a document or petition 
To ratify resolve tension
Or to present or provoke a new dimension
New rendition
New key to place in the ignition
Of the minds of many
Not presenting them with a penny for their thoughts
But the idea that their ethics and style can not be bought so easily

Free to bring new definition 
Dictate fact or superstition 
Cause a crowd to listen
Promote or denote religion
Display political views
Sway or just confuse
Words are powerful tools
That should not be abused

It seem like I started writing this without a purpose
But honestly without that, this piece of writing is just worthless 
I write so those who read are forced to dig deep and not just straddle the surface
Find the buried treasure in my work like an archeaologist

Well with that i'd like to bid the world goodnight.
I hope I served as a switch that turned on your light.


Monday, September 5, 2011


What motivates me to write the way that i do
I suppose its just the questions in my mind that i want to pursue
Captivate each word my heart wants me to
So that my mind can dwell in a state of peace and finally renew
Renew to a state, where my heart no longer heavy
Can act as a passage waterway or levee
I write and let the words flow
Sometimes to release sometimes to let go
If they sound good together its coincidental 
I write what i find to be true
Sometimes i write for me sometimes I write for you.
Ask me if i understand it , well i seldom do.


Liven life is easy. Liven it right is hard. So the question becomes how will I live life. Will I live it as a follower forever being blown in the wind. If I lived life as this I would have no worries so would that make it right. No The follower is easily manipulated by the outside world often being caught in the wrong situation. Followers feel as though if they rely on others everything will turn out okay. But this is not the case. So then I should live as a leader. The commander and cheif of my own fate. Having the power to see my lifes works carried out, but for whom or what's glorification? Me? And in the end where does that get me. And on top of that with power comes responsibility and I am human and therefore subject to make mistakes or even worse I could become corrupt under a false since of self exaultation rendering me narsiscistic. So then how shall I live? As the bystander getting what's mine and sitting and watching as others undergo trials. Or maybe I should be the persecutor constantly judgeing others in an attempt to hide my own weakness. Or maybe i should be the victim forever being tormented but never rebelling or helping myself. Why is the answer not clear? Maybe I'm asking the wrong question. I can do nothing alone but what about us. We as a people need to come together and through this we shall find meaning. Notice God did not create Adam alone but created him a wife eve. Also notice how God addresses his people in the bible. Often speaking of multiplication . Us or we must be the answer. No remember what is constant in these last statements. God . Yes through god (or religion) alone I gain my purpose. For relying on us is just as relying on me or you we are man and therefore are flawed. But through God (religion) we can be complete. Men and woman come and go but God(religion) is forever.