Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Grace Of A Father

Look deeper my children. I want you to know that I'm with you forever. And it's through my grace and my grace alone you were saved. I have not forgotten you and will never leave you. I am forever your father forever with you, forever part of you, , and I will always love you.

The one above 
The one who'll love

The one who will guide you through the night
The one when lifes at an intersection will tell you to go right.

The one who even in your bad behavior
spreads his grace and mercy 
When you call for God, the Savior

Through the darkness and times you are weary
I am the only who shall not scurry
Even when you lose your place
My love endures forever as well as my grace.

The one who's there when no one will bother
King of King, Lord of Lords, Father

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