Monday, September 5, 2011


What motivates me to write the way that i do
I suppose its just the questions in my mind that i want to pursue
Captivate each word my heart wants me to
So that my mind can dwell in a state of peace and finally renew
Renew to a state, where my heart no longer heavy
Can act as a passage waterway or levee
I write and let the words flow
Sometimes to release sometimes to let go
If they sound good together its coincidental 
I write what i find to be true
Sometimes i write for me sometimes I write for you.
Ask me if i understand it , well i seldom do.


  1. Tyler,

    What a fantastic post! You are so gifted with words giving them a life like no one else can. Would you mind if I read this poem to my English 1010 class? Or, you can come and read it yourself.

    Jessica Swan

  2. This was great i love the way you rhyme. Maybe one day you can teach me, I'm horrible lol :)

  3. Man your rhymes are cool, when i write on a spicific subject, I can't do alot of rhyming. I'm more off the top of my head
