Monday, September 5, 2011


Liven life is easy. Liven it right is hard. So the question becomes how will I live life. Will I live it as a follower forever being blown in the wind. If I lived life as this I would have no worries so would that make it right. No The follower is easily manipulated by the outside world often being caught in the wrong situation. Followers feel as though if they rely on others everything will turn out okay. But this is not the case. So then I should live as a leader. The commander and cheif of my own fate. Having the power to see my lifes works carried out, but for whom or what's glorification? Me? And in the end where does that get me. And on top of that with power comes responsibility and I am human and therefore subject to make mistakes or even worse I could become corrupt under a false since of self exaultation rendering me narsiscistic. So then how shall I live? As the bystander getting what's mine and sitting and watching as others undergo trials. Or maybe I should be the persecutor constantly judgeing others in an attempt to hide my own weakness. Or maybe i should be the victim forever being tormented but never rebelling or helping myself. Why is the answer not clear? Maybe I'm asking the wrong question. I can do nothing alone but what about us. We as a people need to come together and through this we shall find meaning. Notice God did not create Adam alone but created him a wife eve. Also notice how God addresses his people in the bible. Often speaking of multiplication . Us or we must be the answer. No remember what is constant in these last statements. God . Yes through god (or religion) alone I gain my purpose. For relying on us is just as relying on me or you we are man and therefore are flawed. But through God (religion) we can be complete. Men and woman come and go but God(religion) is forever.

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